Tile Shower Walls: Laser-Etched Acrylic vs. Traditional Tile
When it’s time to remodel your shower, you have a couple of wall options; the most popular of these options being wall surround panels and tile shower walls. Depending on your preferences, one might suit you better than the other. Below we will look at laser-etched acrylic vs. traditional tile shower walls and help you decide what might be better for you and your bathroom.
Pros and Cons of Laser-Etched ACRYLIC
A shower wall panel, specifically an acrylic wall surround, is custom fit to the area your shower is being installed into. This makes for a seamless install, as it is placed into the area with the exact dimensions. Along with an easy install, acrylic wall surrounds are extremely easy to clean. When you install an acrylic wall surround into your shower, you have the option of laser-etched tile. Laser-etched tile gives you the beautiful look of tile without the grout to worry about. With its nonporous nature and no tile to scrub in between, you’ll enjoy cleaning so much more!
With simulated tile comes a tad less freedom, seeing as they don’t use individual tiles. Your shower might not feel as custom if you are looking for a unique look. There are additional features you can add to your shower to make it feel more customized, including built in shelves, a shower seat, or a rain fall shower head.
Laser-Etched Acrylic Tile:
- Non-Porous, Mold and Mildew Resistant
- Scratch, Chip, Stain, and Fade Resistant
- Readily Available
- Average 1 Day Installation
- Lasts for Years to Come
Pros and Cons of Traditional Tile
Traditional tiles come in different materials, the most common being ceramic, porcelain, and marble. Oftentimes people will choose individual tiles like these when they are looking for a more unique look. Tile comes in a wide range of colors and materials that give you design freedom in your bathroom. With design freedom, though, comes time and upkeep.
Traditional tile typically has a one-week installation time, while acrylic wall surrounds can be installed in as little as one day. Because of the individuality of the tiles, they must be installed by a professional and regularly maintained. Tile has over 275 liner feet of porous grout in the tub area alone. This causes mold and mildew to form easily and requires to be sealed every year.
Traditional Ceramic, Porcelain, or Marble Tile:
- Custom & Individual
- Moderate Cost
- Average 1 Week Installation
- Must Be Sealed Every Year
- Not Resistant to Mold & Mildew
Ultimately, the tile you choose for your shower is up to your wants and needs in your bathroom. Tile is a beautiful, evergreen look that can last you for years to come. Whether you choose laser-etched acrylic wall surrounds for your shower remodel or go the traditional tile route, it’s important to know the key differences between the two.
Beautiful Acrylic Laser-Etched Tile IN Your Bathroom
Specializing in acrylic wall surrounds for your bath or shower remodel, West Shore Home is the laser-etched tile expert. With a wide range of tile patterns and beautiful wall surround colors and designs, you can create the bathroom you’ve been wanting for years.

Not sure exactly what you want? Schedule a free design consultation to find the best look for your bathroom. Your design consultant will walk through the process with you from start to finish and provide you with a free quote and financing options. Contact us today to get started!